
By joachim, Fri, 07/11/2014 - 19:21

Hello! I'm back. I've not made any blog posts in over a year and a half due to the site where my blog was before,, closing down. And while it took me some time to get round to writing a Migrate script to import my posts from the old site's database, it was actually getting round to setting up this new domain that took the longest.

By joachim, Thu, 12/03/2009 - 14:15

I've been putting off setting up multisite on my localhost for ages, mostly because in the past I've found getting Apache virtual hosts to work can be a bit tricky: not impossible, but the sort of thing where I could easily lose an hour on a minor thing I've forgotten to do. And after all, with a shiny new iMac and a hard drive whose proportions I can't even remember, why not just 'drush dl' all over again?

By joachim, Tue, 08/18/2009 - 09:21

Okay, so I lied. But module builder can save you a lot of time when writing custom modules.

And it now works with drush, too. I added support for drush a few weeks ago, which let you do things like "$ drush mb mymodule cron init menu nodeapi --write" and hey presto, a new module folder is created, with an info file and a module file, with hook implementations ready to do your (evil) bidding. (Note: this blog does not sanction use of Drupal, module builder, or drush for evil.)