Git tricks: repatching for an issue branch

By joachim, Tue, 07/10/2012 - 19:20

My workflow for making patches is to use a feature branch for a single issue. Whether you're a contributor or a maintainer it lets you advance the fixing of the problem in small increments, and safely experiment knowing you can roll back.

But where it goes wrong is when your patch is superseded by a newer one in the issue queue, and you want to work on it some more. How do you update your branch for the ongoing work? As ever, with git there's a way.

Let's start with the basics first: you're making a feature branch to work on an issue. I tend to follow the naming pattern '123456-fix-all-the-bugs', but for this example I'll call it 'issue'.

// Make a new branch and switch to it.
$ git co -b issue
// Make lots of commits.
// Ready to make a patch:
$ git diff > 123456.project.issue.patch

(Note that if you can make your patch to show all your commits one by one, which can sometimes aid in making it clear what you're changing, but that's for another day.)

You've now got a patch which you're uploading to the issue queue, and your tree looks something like this:

* [issue] Last commit, ready to roll a patch!
* Fixed the foobar.
* Added a bizbax.
* [master]

Now someone else comes along to the issue queue, reviews your patch, and posts a new patch of their own. You in turn look at patch 2, and while it's an improvement, you think it needs still more work.

The problem is how to apply the patch to your repository. It won't apply to the tip of the issue branch, and if you checkout master, you can't get back to your issue branch. You can of course just discard your original issue branch, and create a branch issue2 for patch 2.

Or you can do this:

// Start on the issue branch.
// Stash any work in progress!
$ git stash
// Checkout just the *files* of master, while keeping the HEAD pointer on the
// issue branch.
$ git checkout master -- .
// This puts the files from master into the working tree, but keeps the index
// on the issue branch. In simpler terms, the reverse of patch 1 will appear
// staged (as git believes that your files *ought* to look like patch 1, but
// actually look like master).
// We want the index clean, so unstage everything:
$ git reset HEAD .
// Now apply the new patch.
$ patch -p1 < patch-2.patch
// Now commit this as patch 2.
// Remember to stash pop when you're done!

Because the working tree files (that is, the actual files on your system) look like the master branch, the patch applies cleanly. But because git still believes its on the tip of the issue branch, the commit you make goes on the tip of that branch, and the diff it records is effectively the interdiff between your patch-1 and the other contributor's patch-2. Your tree looks like this:

* [issue] Applied patch 2 from Ada Lovelace.
* Last commit, ready to roll a patch!
* Fixed the foobar.
* Added a bizbax.
* [master]

Result: you can now do more work on this branch, and make more commits, and when you're ready, diff against master to make patch-3, ready to upload to the issue queue.